Escape with Traveloka | The KL Journal

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Still remember I post about a series of insta stories about my stay at The KL Journal on my Instagram? If you missed it, you can still review it on my IG profile and click into the highlight icon, that's it. 😘 

A month ago, I had my short weekend getaway to the heart of KL. I am going to share with you this amazing trip. Thanks Butterfly Project for giving me this opportunity to explore this hidden gem in the city, courtesy of Traveloka for the enjoyable trip.

Before I am going to flood this post with photos, let me talk about Traveloka.


Travelling on a budget is no longer a dream since apps have been developed. You got Air Asia app, Agoda app, app, etc. How if one app could do all the things for you in one shot? You could have save a lots of time. If you are a frequent traveller, Traveloka is definitely for you.

Traveloka App

After downloading the app, you will get this homepage when you open the app. As you can tell, there are Flights, International Flights, Price Alerts, Hotels, International Hotels and Ongoing Promos for you to choose from. 
Flights & International Flights: Set the destination and date of travelling, amount of passenger and seat class, and you are good to go and choose your desire slots. One thing I like about Traveloka is, down the calendar, you will find a list shows Malaysia Holiday. In case your paper calendar is not with you, this little feature would remind you those important dates of Malaysia as well as your state. 

Hotels & International Hotels: I will do a little demo for you later. (Scroll a little to view more details.)

Price Alerts: Bargain junkie would probably like this! When you plan to travel in next year, but you are looking for a cheaper flight rate, this feature makes booking easier! You can set your desired duration of trip (e.g.10 days), then set the dates (e.g.1 June - 30 June), set the maximum budget (e.g.RM2,000), set the seat class ( class), lastly set the frequency of the alerts received (e.g.daily). Then you are all set to receive notification anytime. 

Hotel Booking

Let's say I am going to Thailand this January. I need to key in all the details. If you don't have any ideal hotel in your mind, you can just set your destination as your travel location (e.g. Bangkok). Then it will come out with a list of hotels. 

Upon done booking, you can find your booking under "My Booking". Click into the "Hotel Vouchers" and you will get all the details of it.

These are the booking details. It is like your boarding pass, it tells you everything essential of a booking. You can choose your preferred language on top of this page to ease your travelling fuss especially you are going to Vietnam, Myammar, Thailand and Philippine but you have no idea how to communicate with the local drivers who send you from airport to hotel, you can switch to local language to make your trip easier and save your precious time. 

Scrolling down, you will find your room details and services provided by the hotel. Special Request is the interesting part! Before payment is done, there is a special request page which you could request something special out of ordinary service like requesting the check in and check out time, extra bed, etc. But all of these are subjected to availability. Oh, did I tell you refund is available on the app? Refund is available. In case your voice is unheard, you can contact Traveloka anytime for the refund.


I know sometime when you really need a vacation to treat yourself to destress or to explore the world, but you have no idea at all. Traveloka provides some special flight deals as well as domestic hotel deals for you to have a look. Most of the travelling destinations are fixed impromptu, ikr. 😈😈😈
On the Explore South East Asia column, you may explore the city you rarely hear about by reading the article. 

Installment Plan
Traveloka is not the only player in this industry. But can you tell me is there any app is able to provide installment plan for your travelling expenses? This is the fun part. You don't need to save a quantity of money and spend at one shot. All you have to do is using the promo credit card and set up for the instalment plan. Fuss free huh. 

Oh ya, one thing I forgot to mention about. Please use their app! Comparing using website and app, I get cheaper price on app!! Who don't wish to save more huh? And all the price stated on Traveloka app is the final, which means it is included tax and charges. This the point I love the most. 

Faster sign up and validate the promo code on their app! 25% could save a lot! 

The KL Journal Hotel
Courtesy of Traveloka, I got to enjoy an awesome night away from my busy life. On a staycation at The KL Journal Hotel, I had so much fun learning about Traveloka, exploring an insta-worthy hotel, taking part in the activities planned out on that day from meals to workshop, to Christmas dinner, as well as meeting many talented bloggers!

Let's picture do the talking kay? 

The Room 
The KL Journal put cleanliness and comfiness as their top priority. I feel warmth when I first stepped into the room. Rain shower in the spacious bathroom could make you spend hour in it.

Every corner is so instagrammable! Instagrammer should have pay a visit! 

The cafe is named after Kedai Kopi in Malaysia. Kedai Kopi Journal offered international buffet from breakfast to dinner. Their food is presentable. But you could just hunt some delicious local food outside of the hotel. You get what I mean. 😝 

The cocktail is free flow for ladies night on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday! So ladies, check it out! 

Thanks to Butterfly for holding a 3 hours workshop for us. I was so upset of not manage to choose my desire workshop at first and ended up choosing this floral wreath workshop. But hey! I finally get to learn how to draw a proper watercolour floral wreath from BlackMilkProject . Truly appreciate them for teaching me patiently and I found back the passion of water colour painting again. If you are interested with any watercolour workshop, be sure to check them out! They provide classes every month on their website.

My roommate of the night! 

Hope you enjoy reading. 😘

All the photos were taken using iPhone 8 Plus only. 😍



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