Perth Trip - Day 5 York Tandem Skydiving

Monday, August 29, 2016

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Today we had SKYDIVING

Well, initially, the period of the whole trip is 6 days 5 nights and skydiving wasn't in our plan. Due to Air Asia X delayed our flight for twice, we ended up having one more day in Perth. And yeah, the guys chose to skydive on this extra day.

Skydiving turned out to be one of the famous recreational activities in Australia. I came to know about skydiving in 2014 as my friends did that in Sydney. And I didn't expect that I can experience in this trip!! At first, Guan and me didn't want to go as the cost is kind of high for us. But, the fate pushed us to move. lol 

We got this voucher from his sister's friend. FYI, we chose the package of York Midweek Tandem Skydive From up to 14,000 ft, at A$249 and Gold package of photo and video, at A$149 (Total A$398). We used this voucher (only for tandem skydive package, not for photo and video package), so 1 person was free of charge. Since we have 7 persons, another 2 pax was entitled for A$30 student backpacker discount each. So we ended up around A$355 per pax (~RM1085). It was horrible after converting to RM for just 1 min skydiving!! That's why we were quite reluctant to participate. But, swear to the god, I will regret if I didn't take part!! 

Packages details: (Prior booking is required!)
York Midweek Tandem Skydive From up to 14,000 ft INCLUDES:
  • Tandem skydive from up to 14,000ft over York. Drop zone operates on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
  • Free return pick-ups from Perth CBD Mondays and Thursdays (bookings essential)
  • 3 month membership of the Australian Parachute Federation.
  • Personalised certificate of achievement, loyalty rewards card and bumper sticker.
  • a 5-7 minute video of your skydive, filmed by wrist-mounted GoPro
  • over 100 photos of your skydive, saved on a custom Skydive USB for easy uploading and sharing with friends and family
Tandem skydive is not only available in York, whereas you can choose Perth City or Rockingham in Western Australia. For more info, please browse: Skydive Australia official website

My instructor, Lucio was kind of playful! Literally, I was requested to sit on his thighs and of course he will tie me tightly close to his body for safety purpose.

Pattern gao gao hahahahaha He was the most handsome among all. lol

Before I jump. Just for 2 seconds, they don't let us think more. Honestly, I was not afraid because I trusted my instructor. lol 
You are advised to keep your head up before jumping. It worked especially for acrophobia. 

FREEFALL!!!!!! For the first 5 seconds, I was like wow I was falling down from the sky and I was frightened. *you can see it from my face*
After 5 seconds, I found myself super duper difficult to breath! As 14,000 ft off the ground, the air was thin plus the speed of freefall, these two factors made me couldn't breath properly. Nostrils were too small to breath seriously! hahahaha I was forced to open my mouth to breath. This was why those ugly photos came from! 

I manage to pose!!! OMG! These photos were gonna worth it! Remember to pose as much as you can to compensate with those ugly ones! hahahaha

Break through the clouds! Wooooooooo

Ugly to the max! lol Whatever laaaaa.. hahahaha You have to bear in mind, skydiving photos will never be nice!

I was lucky enough to have pro instructor who skillfully hold the GoPro. hohohoho

After the parachute was opened, I finally can take off the ugly glasses. lol Never see the world from this angle! I feel like I was a satellite flying over the sky. So breathtaking. I enjoyed much up there seriously! Enjoyed the breeze, enjoyed the map looking scene.

I had no idea when I showed up my tongue. lol 

From the package, I received a 2GB thumdrive, a certificate, a car sticker and a voucher for next skydive. 

I duno why his photo quality ended up like this, maybe it was the quality of the camera. haha. And his instructor wasn't a good cameramen at all! 

Thanks Lucio for this unforgettable 1 min freefall and flying experience!

Hug me so tight right after safely landed. hahaha He was frightened by the freefall as his head was not looking up, instead, he saw himself falling. 

Due to winter, we were dressed in the provided suits and gloves. Finally, I can strike off one line in my bucket list! Yeah! Mission accomplished. I would say this 1k was worth it. But my only regret was the scene was not that great enough. My advice for you is to research the view beforehand. 

The only difficulty part was breathing. Most of the people might think that they will scream out loud up there, but that is definitely harder than posing. For the moment of freefall, one thing in my mind was, I NEED TO BREATH!!

As from the package, they provided free return pick-ups, so we stood by at Perth City around 7am that day. The driver fetch us to York and we then spent almost whole day at York. We returned to Perth City around 3pm. The guys went to return the car at Bayswater while we both shop around Forrest Chase shopping complex, Murray st and William st. 

You must go skydiving once in a lifetime! 
Stay tuned for Day 6 and 7.

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  1. hi, what a nice blog for perth travel tips,
    from malaysia too,

    may i ask,
    do you book online for the skydiving?
    or walkin?
    plan to go , but afraid cancel it last minute due to weather changes.

    please advise. thanks


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