Perth Trip - Day 1

Friday, August 19, 2016

I have my intern in an audit firm. For auditors, free time is definitely a luxury. The flight was booked on last year December. Well, the nature of the occupation just push me to the max level of wanting this July to come ASAP! Yeah, my feeling was 'I can't wait! I just can't wait July to come!'. lol 

There were 7 SPOTS we went to. Our schedule is pretty loose due to the distance of the location. The places are apart. For a quick view, summary of itinerary is provided below:

Day 1 (24/7): Penang → KLIA 2 → Perth Airport → Fremantle → Fremantle Market → Fremantle Prison → Cicerellos restaurant → Little Creatures → Round House
Day 2 (25/7): Fremantle → Long Jetty → Rottnest Island → Fremantle Long Jetty → Cloverdale
Day 3 (26/7): Cloverdale → Yanchep National Park → Lancelin Sand Dunes → Pinnacles → Ciao Italia → Cloverdale
Day 4 (27/7): Cloverdale → Mandurah → Busselton Jetty → Leeuwin Estate → Cloverdale
Day 5 (28/7): Cloverdale → Perth City → York → Perth City → Murray St → William St → Cloverdale
Day 6 (29/7): Cloverdale → Kings Park → Blue Boat House → University Western Australia → Northbridge → Corica Pastries → William St → Cloverdale

Day 7 (30/7): Cloverdale → Woolworths Supermarket → Perth Airport

In this write up, I will point out my travel diary by day. There are accommodation, total spending, itinerary, transport, culture and tips. Below is my travel vlog. [Do subscribe me for more beauty and make up videos.]

Fyi, our flight costs us RM700 included baggage, and we took midnight flight which departed at 0015 and reached Perth airport at 0540. It's only 2 DEGREE CELCIUS!! First time ever I experienced such coldness. And yes, I underestimated it by putting my gloves inside my big luggage. wth My hands were shivering and they can't even bear for 1 second. After we reached Perth airport, we headed to Fremantle city as scheduled. We took train to Fremantle station: Elizabeth Stn > Perth Stn > Fremantle Stn.

Fremantle railway station.

1. Sundancer Backpacker
We then settled down our luggage and checked in to backpacker. Fyi, we stayed at Sundancer backpacker. (Click into the link to view more details) The distance from railway station to Sundancer backpacker is a 4 mins walking distance.

As we have 7 people in total, we chose a room for 8 people. It costs us A$22 per pax. Very reasonable. Kitchen, game such as table tennis and snooker, computers, bathroom are all available. Honest speaking, the kitchen was in a big mess, very dirty due to the kitchen was shared by other backpackers and the pans, plates, pots and kitchen utensils were just dumped at the basin. We just couldn't risk ourselves to cook and eat. lol Due to winter, they just provided us with super hot water. A note to neat freak, the bed sheet, blanket and pillowcase are provided in newly washed condition once you done with checking-in. There are few I didn't take the photo of our room. But it was the same like this. It looked really like hostel. Only beds and pillows. 

2. Fremantle Market
From Sundancer backpacker to Fremantle Market, 5-6 mins walking distance.
Fremantle is a major port city in Australia. For me, it's pretty much like a small town similar to Malacca historical walk area. Every tourist spots such as round house, fishing boat harbor, Fremantle prison, Western Australia Maritime Museum, Little Creatures, Kailis' Fish Market Cafe, Cicerello, etc. are all reachable with walking distance. A very happening town. Being the largest travel guide book publisher in the world, Lonely Planet names Fremantle ahead of Rome as one of the top 10 cities to visit in 2016. It deserves the ranking with its rich cultures and very welcoming township.
Do visit Fremantle official website for more venues and details. 

At the market! The market which has longer business hour compared to shopping complex! Particularly, it is a flea market. A big difference compared to M'sia market is building structure. lol Western building being western building. Artistic and historic. 
Check out Fremantle market official website for the business hour before you go. 

It's pretty cool right? Transparent juicer. He just threw a complete orange without cutting in the machine and then the juice coming out in the bottom. We tested for both lime juice and orange juice. Kinda Fresh. We didn't buy. [Typical Malaysians lol]

Ottoman Borek A$10. The tastes was close to Roti Canai with its crispy outer layer while its filling is soft like melted cheese.

A$12 Wrapped with kebab wrap, its filling consists of feta cheese and spinach. Australia Spinach is much more bigger and sweeter than Malaysia species. Highly recommended!
These are all our quick brunch.

3. Fremantle Prison

Fremantle Prison.

Fremantle Prison is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site. Between 1852 and 1859, it was constructed as a prison for convicts. A very well known historical building with its building age, 161 years old. There were several tour packages, and we chose Great Escape, a 1.5 hour tour worth A$20. TBH, the introduction tour is bored as we didn't manage to get used to Australian slang. So, I ended up taking lotsa photos inside the prison. lol
Checkout Fremantle Prison official website for the tour packages.

I just fall for their blue sky and green lawn! TOO BLUE, TOO GREEN

4. Fishing Boat Harbor

Fishing Boat Harbor. 

A main attraction in Fremantle. This harbor acts as the commercial marine in Fremantle. Hundred of boats were there to form a pageantry view. So sad we couldn't manage to have a shot with the boats because the seagull near Kailis' Fish Market Restaurant actually poop on Guan's jacket and successfully pissed him off. hahahaha 

5. Cicerello's

There were two famous fish and chip restaurant, Kailis' and Cicerello's. As Kailis' is very dangerous (lucky draw: seagull poop) *Laugh*, we then go to the Cicerello's as scheduled. We purposely not to eat too full just because of these good foods! Maybe we put our expectation too high, these foods did not meet our expectation, and maybe it was lunch hour peak. However, the fish and chips were heavenly fresh and crispy! And we were too hungry that time, so we ordered 6 dishes! (boys appetite memang...) This meal cost us A$128 in total. 

6. Little Creatures Brewings

Little Creatures Brewings were located beside Cicerello's. 

The guys were hwaiting this moment for long! lol It is a brewery always crowded with customers. I was stunned as the waitresses were actually in singlets! Ok Local being local. They got used to the weather already. And I actually wore short sleeve tee on my day 5. lol We were given two sets of beers to share among. Most importantly, there were all FOC for testing!!! In this coldness, a little bit of wine or beer is enough to warm us up! Some of them were taste smooth, some were awful. We were actually regret of not buying half dozen for the following days.

The list of beers we'd tasted. 

Lavender along the roadside.

 Round House. Wrapped like a bak-zhang lol

Adorable Street view!

In the evening, we were just wandering around the Bathers Beach and Esplanade Park. Back to Sundancer for a good rest. This city is just has an undescribable attraction. Definitely a best place to get away and chill.

Stay tuned for Day 2. 

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