Phuket Day 1.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hey dude! Here come my adventurous Phuket trip call back. To start, it is a so called 'chi-kek' trip for seven of us, let me tell u a story of a trip without tour guide, still, nobody of us ever went there before.

We were first check in to the hotel that we booked few months ago. The Thai hotel policy is freaking strict. We have no idea, and then we have to book another room and add-on an extra bed. Eww! Nah, money fly. @.@ with uncertainty. 

After that we all we went to city tour in Patong, the other four girls chose to have elephant ride. Due to feeling of cruelness of the pity elephant, I decided to choose a awesome excited Go cart! WOW! although its price isn't that friendly, but the precious 10 mins made us crazy and fun! Fantastic! Miss it babe~
P/s: don't just judge for the rank, it is wrong! hahaha! joey foo and eve, you know i know. =X

Here come a 'Shawadika' gesture at Chalong Temple. Woo. The structure of the building is damn detail. 

We had our tomyam seafood lunch after a day of starvation. Lolz. The view is so breathtaking. Blue green mixture.

After Tomyam lunch, Go cart crazy race, Chalong temple selca and Big buddha visit, here we were! Phuket Fanta Sea! this is the must go place! woo! Amazing show!!They can gave the audiences the feel of nature, the show made up with many animal shows including chickens (Feel LOL rite? but it is damn cute wey!), goat, and elephants!! Cute Boom! The elephants were damn smart and clever. We even saw they 'ng ng & xuxu'~ haha!

 The Show hall. A reminder here, before u entering, make sure they can't check your mobile phone or any camera-based devices because they will ask you to keep at the counter, after show, only you can claim from them as well.

Palace of the elephant. 
Argh, I forget to tell you, before the show, our tickets were entitled a buffet! Slurp! It had variety of choices. I like the buffet so much and enjoy it to the fullest. =D That night was just too awesome, Want to know more? Go explore yourself. =P

Alright, ended up my first day of phuket trip here. So far so good hmm. 

Stay turn for Day 2. =)

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