
Tuesday, April 01, 2014

百感交集啊!今年是我第二年的FESENI, 身为manager, 当然免不了包山包海啦。也经历过许许多多的困难,跌跌撞撞,疲累,才有今天的我们啊!但还是要谢谢大家的配合,没有你们也没有这支舞蹈的呈献。=) 

第七宿舍。 7th yeah! 7th yeah! 7th yeah yeah yeah!!!

谢谢我的队友们! 在我哭出来的那一刻给我一种欣慰,你们长大咯五个小瓜!
谢谢所有来支持我的朋友!谢谢你们对我的肯定! 虽然没拿奖但我知道我们已经无憾了!
Special dedicated to the special one! You have gone through everything with me, be driver that fetching me to and fro at Puchong just to return and get the competition costume. 
First time of doing this card board for girl girl hor? Hehe.. I always grabbed your first time! =P
Only you know my feeling throughout the whole preparation until the end of the competition. Eventually it was all over and yeah I am back to freedom! This might be my last Chinese dance in uni life la. Hehe. Thanks BB and I love you! 

Stay turned for us to be featured in Pioneer Newspaper! 

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