
Sunday, August 19, 2012

I've been quitting my vacancy for 2 weeks already. hia!
I am feeling relax and woow! My holiday just start.

As you all know, I am working in a Japanese cuisine restaurant.
Over there, I got an accompany which named Z aka zeezee lam. heh

NAH! the girl i mentioned above. hee..
I hav been working with her for 2 months. Quite enjoying when a friend keep chatting the same thing with you everyday but we won't feel bored at all! =) heee
During off days, we always hang out together and we don't feel like boring when seeing each other. (yer =X)

hmmm. Talk about the kitchen. As my surname is Sim--->沈, somehow, the movie 'You are the apple in my eye, 那些年我们一起追的女孩', the heroin named 沈佳宜. I got this nickname since working. hah! Everyone called me shen jia yi especially the kitchen crew. TIAN AH~ ahah! but quite enjoying la. I will miss those days I was being called as shen jia yi and those days they pull my scarf and make it falling down on the floor. Again, those days we hit each other at the back, head and shoulders. 

Debra, you are the first one who deal with my working interview thingy, uniforms and ice breaking and so fort. You are the one who are the most care about the new service crew member. Working with you, sometime I will feel tension cause of your professionalism. heee xD I am quite admiring your rational thinking. Don't feel so stressful over the job, just do your best, and try to find some happiness in your life everyday. No matter how hard the problem to be solved, believe in yourself, you can deal with it. =) ALL THE BEST IN YOUR FUTURE UNDERTAKINGS YA! 

Ah How, 柯腾,老是叫我沈佳宜的,害得我太投入,太入戏了。哈哈!谢谢你一直以来的照顾,我有难时还挺凶而出。哈哈!切记要更爱你自己呀!尤其是你的身体,要顾好来,懂吗?至于你的情史嘛,我也帮不上忙,只能祝福你,你一定会遇到一个适合你的,一起白头偕老的!要幸福啊!

Rick chan! The main chef you are. You are quite strict and sometimes I am quite afraid of talking with you when you showed your ruffle on your face. hee..you are quite soft and gentle when you have 100% pretty mood. 

Ah Kwang Daddy!  You this daddy quite naughty one, always bully your daughter like pulling her bandanna and hit her. ahah! But I was still remember the first day I did closing, you helped to dry up the trays and wash wasabi bottles. hah! SO KIND huh! By the way, thank you for your caring. Wish you stay sweet with Ebi mummy! Remember to invite me to your wedding ceremony ya! 

Theng Hsia Mummy! 我觉得整个SAKAE,你的人最好,没脾气,有爱心,有耐心,样样都好。你值得有一个那么疼你的男朋友(虽然他对我们很坏)xD (开玩笑的啦)哈哈~ 希望你跟阿光爹地能白头到老啦哈! 嘻嘻!

LeeLee, 你呢,是个很有主见的女孩,但我总觉得你应该以大局为重,千万不可意气用事哦,你也晓得做这行的都是Customers always right,所以,遇到不如意之事就先忍忍吧~嘻嘻。

Ah hwa,你这小鬼头,整天跟我作对!哈哈。不是啦,是你比较好玩,所以我觉得整个厨房里,只有你最能玩咯!所以就整天找你麻烦~嘻嘻。

Jimmy!! 在七月中,你就被调去AUTO-CITY OUTLET, 天哪!你知道我们多么没乐趣吗?厨房里你最能玩了,配合度又高,真是的!我们几舍不得你啊~哈哈 =P 

Ram, you are the cutest foreign worker. I like your working style which is not so strict and not so good. =P ahah!

给某人,其实我并不十分赞同你的所作所为。你完全是用情绪来工作。心情好,就可以与我们玩得很疯的,心情坏事,就像一匹饿狼,专找人家的错误,挑剔这条提那的。但还是希望你会发现自己的毛病,待人好一点,不要偏私, 这样,别人才会将心比心的与你交心啊。

Chiew ting aka lou ma ji! 老妈子! 动作慢是你最大的障碍,由于你的年纪关系, 也不可能叫你进步啦。 我觉得你最敬业了,就算客人不满,你也能咧嘴一笑,照样亲切地招呼客人。谢谢你一直以来的教诲。但希望你做每件事时,说每句话时,都可以顾及他人的感受,那样才不会造成许许多多的误会。 =)

Edwin yonghoo, 你的速度无人能否认的快,一个可以顶三个。哈哈~ 谢谢你一直以来的教诲,一些在课本里学不到的知识。呵呵,希望有一天你能找到属于你的一片天。

haha..That's all my comment and my advice to you all. No OFFEND ya. ^^

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